我々は日本国内の設計事務所と、10年間米国ボストンの現地大手設計事務所にて様々な建築及び都市・地区再活性化プロジェクトに携わってまいりました。 その中で感じますことは、先入観や既成概念にとらわれず「なにが求められているのか」「どうやったらよりよい場所・空間ができるのか」と何度も問い直すことが大事だということです。それは苦しくもあり、また楽しい作業でもあります。
HIROYUKI ABE Architects (HAA) has been working on various types of construction and space planning projects with reputable firms in Japan, North America, Asia and Europe. Through many years of experience, we value asking simple questions in our service – “what our clients demand most? how can we create and improve our environment?” Our mission is to provide abundant and contented environment through challenging but rewarding process of architectural collaboration, not by constructing abrupt buildings. We believe in the joint effort of our team members – client, contractors, consultants and architects. We hope we can cherish and prosper our long-term relationship with you in the near future.
CASBEE 建築評価員
JIA東京都学生設計コンクール 入賞
川崎製鉄デザインコンクール 入賞
新白河の関コンクール 入選
First Class Certified Architect in Japan
Building Inspector (in case of disaster condition)
Prize: Tokyo Metropolitan Architectural Design Competition for Students
Prize: Kawasaki Steel Design Competition
Prize: New Shirakawa Gate Contents Proposal
Selected: Tokyo Ginza pocket park exhibition (Theme: Urban Network)